1. Level UI
- Pause button – Use this button to setup sound settings or to get back to map.
- Score.
- Stars bar – BE CAREFUL, you will need at least 1 star to pass the level!
- Squirrel count – Free them all!
- Fish power up.
- Number of remaining moves.
- Dillon power up.
- Boomerang power up
- Paisley power up.
- Swipe 3 booster – Adds one more ball the chose from the box!
- Random color booster – Counts as ball of any color!
- Telescope – Boosts your aim.
- Mud ball booster.
2. Map UI
- Remaining lives and time for single refill.
- Number of buttons.
- Exit game.
- Skin selection.
- Shop.
- Level select.
- Special offer.
- Settings.