1. Level UI

  1. Pause button – Use this button to setup sound settings or to get back to map.
  2. Score.
  3. Stars bar – BE CAREFUL, you will need at least 1 star to pass the level!
  4. Squirrel count – Free them all!
  5. Fish power up.
  6. Number of remaining moves.
  7. Dillon power up.
  8. Boomerang power up
  9. Paisley power up.
  10. Swipe 3 booster – Adds one more ball the chose from the box!
  11. Random color booster – Counts as ball of any color!
  12. Telescope – Boosts your aim.
  13. Mud ball booster.

2. Map UI

  1. Remaining lives and time for single refill.
  2. Number of buttons.
  3. Exit game.
  4. Skin selection.
  5. Shop.
  6. Level select.
  7. Special offer.
  8. Settings.