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Creating your Pet moji: Main Screen
Exploring the Creation Screen You will be taken to the creation screen after choosing the species...
Creating your Pet moji: Adding Accessories
Personalizing Your Emoji with Accessories You can add several kinds of accessories, headgear,...
Creating your Pet moji: Facial Features
Adding Personalized Emoji: Eyes, Ears, and Snout You can customize your emoji by selecting the...
Creating your Pet moji: Fur pattern and color
Changing the Color and Pattern of Your Pet's Fur You can choose the color, pattern, and markings...
Get Started in Creating your pet moji
Selecting the Breed and Species of Your Pet Choosing your pet's species is the first step towards...
Navigating the Home Screen
After the home screen loads, follow this brief instruction to get around: The main features of the...
How to make your custom Pet moji: A Step-by-step Guide
Are you ready to design a unique pet emoji? You won't have any trouble creating your own...
What do you need to turn your pet into an emoji from a photo
You only need that: a photo. We take care of the rest. Illustrators, animal lovers and experts in...
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