Adjusting the Emoji’s Accessories
You may occasionally wish to play around with the accessories for your emoji. In order to do this, select “Adjust” from the toolbar. When you do this, the bottom portion of your screen will look like this:
This is the customization screen where you can alter the different settings for the emoji you choose. You must first choose the item that you wish to change. This can be done by either selecting the relevant item or facial feature from the category selection strip below, or by tapping on the item or feature itself on the screen. Keep in mind that selecting an item by tapping on the image may be challenging if there are several objects that are very near to or overlap one another. For instance, because our dog’s eyes are fully covered in sunglasses in the image above, we are unable to tap on any one eye because the glasses will get in the way. Use the category selection strip in these kinds of situations.
Once you’ve chosen, there are a few ways you can adjust it:
- Move: You are able to reposition the selection to the desired location. There are two ways to accomplish this: either use the directional arrows under the category selection strip, or tap, hold, and drag the selection. You can’t move objects beyond of your emoji’s limits, which are shown by the grey lines that surround it.
- Resize: By tapping the”+” or”-” keys, you can adjust the size of the selected object. There’s a maximum size for an object since, similar to moving, this operation has to respect limits.
- Change opacity: With this option, you can add a degree of transparency to the selected object. This will be most useful if, for example, you want to add a speech bubble but still show what’s behind it, or if you want to make your pet’s eyes more visible behind glasses.
If you don’t like how your changes turned out, you can either press “CANCEL” to undo them completely and leave the adjustment menu, or “RESET” to undo them without leaving the adjustment menu and start over right away. Finally, you can commit your changes by hitting “SAVE.”
You can get DogGoArt from the App Store.