Personalizing Your Emoji with Accessories
You can add several kinds of accessories, headgear, glasses, and speech bubbles to further customize your emoji. These are all functional items, and this section will walk you through adding them.
For example, when choosing headgear, you will see a screen like the one above:
These things don’t have a color selection; just choose your favorite option, that’s all! Here, we’ve given our doggo a stylish top hat. The following illustration demonstrates how neckties, eyewear, and speech bubbles function in the same way as body accessories and eyewear:
Additionally, you can select eyewear, such glasses, and other speech bubbles if you’d like to add those as well. You can use any combination of them, none at all, or none at all. All items are optional.
Adjusting Items’ Size and Position
It’s possible that an item won’t immediately fit your ideal emoji. This is a result of the variety among our pets; a hat that fits a husky will not fit a chihuahua. As a one-size-fits-all solution is impractical, we offer a function to modify the item’s size and position.
To get to this option, simply tap the toolbar’s “Adjust” section. Please click on this link for comprehensive instructions on how to use this feature: Making an emoticon: Modify the objects’ size, opacity, and position.
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