by DoggyMakers | DogGo Art, Emojis & Art, Support
Adding Personalized Emoji: Eyes, Ears, and Snout You can customize your emoji by selecting the color and shape of the eyes, ears, and nose of your animal companion. You can simultaneously customize all three features with the help of this instruction. You’ll see...
by DoggyMakers | DogGo Art, Emojis & Art, Support
Changing the Color and Pattern of Your Pet’s Fur You can choose the color, pattern, and markings on your pet’s fur in this section. This screen will appear when you select the fur option: Markings Selector: You can select your preferred fur pattern using...
by DoggyMakers | DogGo Art, Emojis & Art, Support
Selecting the Breed and Species of Your Pet Choosing your pet’s species is the first step towards creating your own emoji. There are now two options: dog and cat. The app will show you a list of breeds to choose from after you’ve selected a species. All...
by DoggyMakers | DogGo Art, Emojis & Art, Support
After the home screen loads, follow this brief instruction to get around: The main features of the application are accessible through the Toolbar. Press the button located on the left side of the toolbar to access the Emoji Maker. To create your own pet emoji, follow...
by DoggyMakers | DogGo Art, Emojis & Art, Support
Are you ready to design a unique pet emoji? You won’t have any trouble creating your own customized pet emoji with our simple instructions! To begin, just follow to these easy steps: Open the App: Turn on your device and open the DogGoArt app. You can get it...